Compassion You see, true compassion is not born from a single event, not even a life changing event. You do not become a compassionate person just by helping someone who is severely injured. Have you ever experienced how a pet dog will comfort you when you are in pain? Even dogs understand that an injured person needs comfort!

True compassion in human beings is born from everyday small events. A wise man once explained that practicing compassion is like a cup that fills with water as it rains. It happens over a period of time, one small drop at a time.

As I read her essay, I could sense that this young girl was in a small minority of people that understood the roots of compassion. Her essay was really saying this:

I have the pleasure of being a member of an LSU committee that selects awards for students with majors in health care. One of the criteria the committee evaluates is the desire to practice compassion. The committee makes judgements about the students motivation to pursue a career in health care from essays the students write about themselves. Most of the essays revolve around a common theme that resulted from a tramatic event in their lives. One student wrote about how moved they were by the tenderness of a doctor who treated their father when he suffered a heart attack at a young age. Almost all of the essays have a similar theme.

One of the essays I read was from a girl who began "Always hold the door for other people." Then she described how her father had taught her to always put other people first. "Love everyone," he had taught her and "always be considerate of their needs." She ended her essay with the words, "Always hold the door open for others."

On reading this essay the committee laughed! "How ridiculous", one member said. "I know!", said another. "What is she talking about?" But I had a different take.

True compassion arises from first loving all things and then embracing that love in every small event in life.

"Always hold the door for others." Yes, I get it!!